Faith – in Other Words -Part 8  

People by faith did mighty deeds, wrought justice, miraculously escaped death, and some were resurrected.  People by faith also suffered tremendously, dying for their faith; they were chased, afflicted and mistreated because of their faith. 

It is the same faith that saw great deliverances as suffered profoundly.  Suffering for faith is not a defeat.  It requires faith in God’s ultimate justice to suffer faithfully. And being miraculously delivered because of faith is not immunity.  Eventually, they too died.

Faith – in other words – is in God’s word to us, in God himself, and not primarily in what faith experiences.  Because we have virtually monetised faith, we fail to see it, faith, was always in someone – him who speaks, and creates faith. He is the goal of our attention.  What faith brings is wonderful, but by whom faith comes, more so. 

Faith brings victory, and faith allows endurance.  It is both – in other words.