Faith – in Other Words - Part 7

The faith examples of Hebrews 11 all responded to God’s word in a particular manner, because it was a particular word.   Faith, in other words, is particularised.  What God said to one he didn’t to the other. 

Abraham and Sarah’s faith was all about a child and land, whereas Noah’s faith was about the saving of his family and judgment on the earth.  Judgment was the furthest thing from Abraham’s mind and a child from Noah’s.  They responded to what God said to them, that’s all, no more and no less.

Faith is based on what God declares or promises.  Faith, then, is not a commodity that guarantees individual preference, because faith is generated by God’s will and word.  It is not created by human effort, resourcefulness, or wishfulness.  

None of the great “cloud of witnesses” manufactured their own word, nor did they appropriate the word God spoke to another; they all being in uniquely different circumstances with individualised needs.

What they did do was believe in the face of compelling contrary evidence.  Sarah was barren and old, but God promised a child.  Noah had not seen the likes of the flood they survived through, but God gave him instructions and promise - Isaac for Sarah, physical deliverance for Noah. 

God has a word for you.  It is specific to your person and situation.  It is for something otherwise impossible or highly unlikely. 

This is faith – in other words.