Posts tagged theology
The Fear Of The Lord

This blog will not satisfy everyone as it is selective when it comes to describing the fear of God. My focus is through the lens of its impact upon people who saw the Lord, in one form or another. I am not trying to describe the hidden glory of God in Christ, revealed in his life of descension and humility from equality shared with God. And, what of Solomon’s statement, “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” (Proverbs 1.7) That also is for another day.

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Table and Meal

The church the apostle Paul saw, the church he lived and died for, was often, if not largely, a church situated around the table. It was formed around prayer, scripture, song, the Lord’s Supper, and a meal – all at the table. Some theologians believe that the Lords Supper is the meeting that gives the church her true gathered identity; it was what marked God’s people out.

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