Punch Drunk

It would seem (Mar 2022) that the worst of Covid is over, or is it?  I am not referring to Covid itself; that I know little about.  I refer to the aftermath of fatigue.  The enforced isolation we faced has had a significant impact on our health, wellbeing and relationships - on just about everything human.  People have adjusted (even if poorly) to isolation and are finding physically reconnecting tiring and emotional. (It’s plain hard work.)  This will pass, but it would be churlish to dismiss the impact it has and is having.  

The answer is to rebuild socialising resilience, to keep making an effort to reconnect, and to realise we aren’t yet ourselves, as we are not ourselves by ourselves.

Volunteerism has dipped (in many circles) as people have all but forgotten the work required to make events, gatherings, etc. work effectively.  And people have adjusted to not volunteering by not volunteering.  This too will pass, but it makes for conundrums in the meantime.  We will find ways through, including adjusting expectations, and doing things differently. It gives us a rare opportunity to rethink and reimagine.  It could be that the same old same old is just old?  Time for change. 

Added to this is an emotional tiredness some are facing because of their overwrought engagement with social media. This is partly an issue even when things are, relatively, normal.  However!  The invective that some have taken on as their public ministry will leave you punch drunk, eventually.  It’s like going into a ring and not noticing the effect of repeated blows until the fight is over.  Then you notice –bruised and tired.  

The commands of both Paul and Jesus about how to engage with the world and how to conduct oneself, especially as a leader, have been all but forgotten under the, often, angry ‘right of reply’ mantra.  I admit to astonishment at the vilification people assume their right, their Constitutional right, their version of freedom right.  We are not to be adversarial, obnoxious, quarrelsome, but rather to salt our conversation with grace, respect and kindness, and act in a dignified manner. Not so some, sadly.  And, we are to forgive, in the name of Jesus, every opponent of the church and the gospel. 

I am not suggesting we are to be mute, but rather that any communication is consistent with scripture, and Christlikeness.  The ‘cruciform’ life of Jesus is far removed from what we are getting used to in social media.  

Strangely, or maybe not so, we will fare better emotionally when we follow Christ’s example and Paul’s admonishments.  A lot of energy is wasted in constant social media engagement, and it is questionable how efficacious diatribe is.

Finally … Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”

Simon McIntyreComment