Simon Says

Insight into this world, the next and everything in between

45 insightful articles in one book!

This book is written with a Christian worldview underpinning each of the articles. Sometimes this is obvious and sometimes not so. The contents, occasionally controversial, are inspired by current events, not so current events, theological concerns and random thoughts.

In them you will find insights on this life, the next life and everything in between.

Some of the articles were written with tears in the author’s eyes and some with acid in his veins. We hope you can tell the difference.

“Simon is a sharp Christian thinker - a believer anchored in the real world, someone who sees things differently. I have always enjoyed watching him seek to understand and explain how his faith fits his life and his life fits his faith. The musings of McIntyre are always interesting and insightful, challenging and alarming: just like the man himself.” Mark Scott - Former CEO of the Australian ABC

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